
An Important GRE Score Reporting Policy Change.

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An Important GRE Score Reporting Policy Change

ETS announced a very important change regarding their score reporting policy: The New ScoreSelectSM option.

  • The option will be available, starting in July 2012, for both the GRE General Test and GRE Subject Tests, and can be used byanyone with reportable scores froom the last five years.
  • It will allow test takersto decide which GRE scores froom their reportable history to send to the institutions they designate. Now they can send the scores that they feel reflect their personal best.
  • The new choices available would be:

o   On test day test takers can select the:

  • ScoreSelectMost Recent option
  • ScoreSelectAll option — Send your scores froom all test administrations in the last five years (FREE).
  • Test takers can decide which option to use for each of their four free score reports.
  • After test day, test takers can send Additional Score Reports for a fee by selecting froom the following:

o   ScoreSelect Most Recent option — Send your scores froom your most recent test administration.

o   ScoreSelect All option — Send your scores froom all test administrations in the last five years.

o   ScoreSelect Any option — Send your scores froom one OR many test administrations in the last five years.

Important Notes: Scores for a test administration must be reported in their entirety. Regardless of whether you choose the Most Recent, All or Any option, you will select specific test administration dates so your scores are all froom the same testing session. Institutions will receive score reports that show only the scores that you selected to send to them. There will be no special indication if you have taken additional GRE tests.

Also, starting July 1, 2012, the policy for retaking a test will also be updated. Test takers will be able to take the GRE revised General Test (computer-based) once every 30 days, and up to five times within any continuous rolling 12-month period. If you are taking a GRE Subject Test, you may take them as often as they are offered.

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